Monday, July 09, 2007

Walsh contemplates endorsement.
Following recent celeb endorsement campaigns such as Jennifer Aniston for SmartWater, presidential candidate and avid TV watcher has said she is looking into some similar 'watery' campaigns. "I'm actively looking for someone to take me on as an offeeecial spokesperson like. It would have to be an earth-friendly, vegan product or alcohol. Alcohol is always a good bet for me. Or I could be the face (phnarr, phnarr!) of the new bidet product thats causing controversy over Times Square Church right now. Who doesn't like a clean tushy? I'd go for that. Or some kind of alcoholic beverage. Either way, I'm not pushed". Walsh said she is in a 'really good place; working on my album and my accessories line...oh wait no, that's not me, that's Nicole Richie. I'm miserable, I just forgot!"