Friday, March 10, 2006
Fiona Walsh - award winner!
Following on the success of Irish writer Martin McDonagh's Oscar win, Fiona Walsh, presidential candidate and idol worshipper said she too won an award. "Well it was more of a prize really. I guessed the correct amount of pennies in a glass jar. It was during Holiday Week in Roscrea where I'm from and there was a field. In that field was a man or a small boy, roving around with a jar and a copybook. In that copybook you had to write the amount of pennies you thought was in the jar. I took a guess and said 900 because 9 is my lucky number (I feel if the Presidency was up for grabs in 2009 instead of 2008, I'd be a shoe in I swear!). Anyway, lo and behold, didn't I guess right! And what did I win? The jar of pennies which came out to nine pounds exactly! That was a big lump sum back in the day and I tell you, much cotton candy was bought that day in celebration of my big win. Oh the fun! Since then I've won nothing. But I will always have that jar of Holiday Week pennies".
Following on the success of Irish writer Martin McDonagh's Oscar win, Fiona Walsh, presidential candidate and idol worshipper said she too won an award. "Well it was more of a prize really. I guessed the correct amount of pennies in a glass jar. It was during Holiday Week in Roscrea where I'm from and there was a field. In that field was a man or a small boy, roving around with a jar and a copybook. In that copybook you had to write the amount of pennies you thought was in the jar. I took a guess and said 900 because 9 is my lucky number (I feel if the Presidency was up for grabs in 2009 instead of 2008, I'd be a shoe in I swear!). Anyway, lo and behold, didn't I guess right! And what did I win? The jar of pennies which came out to nine pounds exactly! That was a big lump sum back in the day and I tell you, much cotton candy was bought that day in celebration of my big win. Oh the fun! Since then I've won nothing. But I will always have that jar of Holiday Week pennies".
Monday, March 06, 2006

Walsh was at Oscars!
In a surprise move, presidential candidate and movie lover Fiona Walsh was a last minute inclusion in the Oscar ceremony. "I got a call from Gil Gates, asking me if I wanted to present or win an Oscar. I told him I'd love to but I didn't want my presidential candidacy to overshadow the proceedings. However I'd love to be involved in some way. After much toing and froing, I asked Gil if I could be in one of the interpretive dances. He agreed! So without too much ado, I was featured as one of the pimpettes in "Hard for a Pimp" song feature. If you look closely, and you may have to rewind a few times as I was done up in stripper pumps and a silvery knickers arrangement - that was me yes! I played the hard done by "ho" on the "track" waiting for my "daddy" to come pick up his "rent money". It was a lot of fun and I got to hang out with the singers back stage. Later we were all taken to the Olive Garden for mozzarella sticks and a nice chianti. Mucho funo!!"