Sunday, May 14, 2006

Kanye West has teeth!
Presidential candidate and onion-lover has revealed a long hidden secret, similar to the one to be revealed in the forth coming "The Da Vinci Code". "I was almost 100% convinced that the the poor lad had n'er a chomper in his head as I never saw one photo when he was smiling. Imagine my surprise when I surfed upon an image on the web and lo and behold, the man has a fine set of gnashers!". Walsh elaborated further, "I myself was orthodontically challenged as a child so if Kanye had no incisors, I wouldn't judge him, rather I'd recommend him to 1800 Dentist. However it seems I have no need as I nearly have to put on my sunglasses to look at the chap, he has such a mouth on him of pearly whites. Good luck to him - they probably cost him an arm and a leg!".