Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Walsh's 'girls' are on display.
Following recent reports that Victoria Beckhams nipples actually broke a glass cabinet she was staring through while trying to buy some million dollar jewelry, other reports are saying that Walsh's 'tit-tastic' assets were on display over the weekend. "What? Never. I might have worn push up bra but that was it! I'm not one who ever has to get my breasts on display to win votes or influence people. In fact the opposite. My boobies are nearly always firmly tucked away in a sensible 18 hour bra or similar binding sort of apparatus. I am Catholic after all". Prodded for comments on Mrs. Beckhams unstoppable nipples, Walsh declared "Oh good luck to her. I'd hate to be famous for just one part of my anatomy. It's becoming such a trend in Hollywood but if I'm elected President, I will instigate a policy of underwear for everyone. Good sensible fanny stranglers". The Beckhams were out kicking footballs and could not be reached for comment.
Following recent reports that Victoria Beckhams nipples actually broke a glass cabinet she was staring through while trying to buy some million dollar jewelry, other reports are saying that Walsh's 'tit-tastic' assets were on display over the weekend. "What? Never. I might have worn push up bra but that was it! I'm not one who ever has to get my breasts on display to win votes or influence people. In fact the opposite. My boobies are nearly always firmly tucked away in a sensible 18 hour bra or similar binding sort of apparatus. I am Catholic after all". Prodded for comments on Mrs. Beckhams unstoppable nipples, Walsh declared "Oh good luck to her. I'd hate to be famous for just one part of my anatomy. It's becoming such a trend in Hollywood but if I'm elected President, I will instigate a policy of underwear for everyone. Good sensible fanny stranglers". The Beckhams were out kicking footballs and could not be reached for comment.