Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Walsh's big green handbag to march in the St.Paddy's Day Parade.
Presidential front runner and mushroom-hater Fiona Walsh has suggested that her handbag will take part in the St. Patricks Day season. "Tis the season and as many people are jumping on board with all manner of green articles, green beer, green animals (promoted by the Bronx Zoo) for the St. Patricks Day season (funny I though it was just a day?), I thought I might as well throw me handbag into the ring for Grand Marshall of the St. Patricks Day Parade. Of course the AOH or grandaddies of all Paddys Day marches turned my bag down for Grand Marshall but I'm still going to stick some shamrock on it and march along 5th Avenue on the 17th meself! It will be a joyous occasion for all and I know my handbag will enjoy it". We tried to prod Walsh for more intuitive commentary but she was lost in a chorus of "Hail Glorious St. Patrick".