Thursday, September 07, 2006
Walsh is 'relieved'.
Fiona Walsh, presidential and gubernatorial candidate as well as someone who loves herself, has said she feels much relief now that she has posted on her blog. "The pressure was intense to come up with something funny after a month of nothing. I hope I did my blog proud with my open letter to K Fed. I think its amusing! Only time will tell. I don't think anyone reads this blog anyway, so basically I'm doing it for my own amusement. Oh wait! No, I lie, two people have read it. My friend Jack Sharkey and my friend Dyanne Mc. They both chuckled they said but I'm sure now that a month has gone by they've lost interest and I'll have to work hard to get them back. No matter. I'll keep plugging. What else can I do?" (PS Lunch next week Dyanne?)
Fiona Walsh, presidential and gubernatorial candidate as well as someone who loves herself, has said she feels much relief now that she has posted on her blog. "The pressure was intense to come up with something funny after a month of nothing. I hope I did my blog proud with my open letter to K Fed. I think its amusing! Only time will tell. I don't think anyone reads this blog anyway, so basically I'm doing it for my own amusement. Oh wait! No, I lie, two people have read it. My friend Jack Sharkey and my friend Dyanne Mc. They both chuckled they said but I'm sure now that a month has gone by they've lost interest and I'll have to work hard to get them back. No matter. I'll keep plugging. What else can I do?" (PS Lunch next week Dyanne?)

Walsh sends note of sympathy... to K-FED!
In a bold move sometime yesterday having watched K-Feds (or Kevin Federline or Mrs. Brittany Spears) abysmal performance on the VMA's followed by an equally stultifying show on "Ellen", presidential candidate and hater of mushrooms has sent a note of sympathy to the soon-to-be daddy. "I couldn't help it. I was so overwhelmed with sadness. It was pitiful watching him trying to be a rapper. With his baggy pants, double diamond studs and whiter than white attitude masquerading as toughness, I just felt an ache in my heart for the poor chap. I was compelled to write him a note which said something along the lines of:
"Ah, ya pet! Give up the ould rapping. You're not cut out for it, ya crathur. Time now to be moving on. Getting your own clothing or hair care line maybe. If you must stay in the music world do it behind the scenes. Or even go down the country music route. Country music lovers are forgiving people, they will accept you when the rap and hip/hop community have turned their backs on you for your "Vanilla Ice" attempts at their culture. Now God love ya, give us a break from yer caterwalling and mind yer babbies instead. Good luck, Fiona"
Or words to that effect. I hope it will get him to change his mind. Consider it a kind of intervention for the feeble-minded".
Kfed nor Brittany could be reached for comment but Sean Preston their child said "dada".
Walsh lets a 'whole month' go by....
Fiona Walsh, presidential wannabe and tofu muncher has let one whole month go by without blogging. "I did! I don't know what came over me, the sun, the sand, the romping on Fire Island with my gay boy friends. But either way, a whole 30 days has gone by without me creating a meaty post for my blog. I'm bitterly disappointed with myself", added the tofu tottie. However, she vowed to post within the next 10 minutes. "Yes indeedy. No presidential or gubernatorial or even gay romping duties will keep me from posting on my blog within the next 10 or say 15 minutes". Watch this space!!
Fiona Walsh, presidential wannabe and tofu muncher has let one whole month go by without blogging. "I did! I don't know what came over me, the sun, the sand, the romping on Fire Island with my gay boy friends. But either way, a whole 30 days has gone by without me creating a meaty post for my blog. I'm bitterly disappointed with myself", added the tofu tottie. However, she vowed to post within the next 10 minutes. "Yes indeedy. No presidential or gubernatorial or even gay romping duties will keep me from posting on my blog within the next 10 or say 15 minutes". Watch this space!!