Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Babies fly out of "Limbo"
Testy temp and presidential candidate Fiona Walsh is said to be "delighted" at the recent announcement by the Pope that limbo no longer exists. "I have to tell you that the idea of all those poor dirty, little unbaptized children floating around in no man's land, saddened my heart. So I'm great relieved now to know that they can fly straight up to heaven to God. I'm especially relieved given I'm married to a Muslim and they don't believe in original sin or baptism. I had a feeling I might have to sneak off to sprinkle a potential offspring with holy water seconds after birthing him/her which would have put an awful strain on me when I might be in the pangs of afterbirth. Now I can rest assured that no matter what, any child of mine is safe from the eternal limbo dance...how low can you go?". The Catholic Church is now considering a new place to hide unbaptized children but talks are ongoing and no details have been revealed.