Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ah for fecks sake!
So says Walsh, presidential candidate and part time comic about the latest antics of George "Funnyman" Bush. "For fecks sake like! Is it not enough that he's cornered the market in the country running stakes, now he has throw his hand at the old comjee! I mean he's going to do me out of a job with his dead pan delivery and nice timed quips". She went on to say, "he's not bad. With a bit of coaching I could probably get him a spot at an open mike in NYC and I tell you, he'd be a fair draw too with the old White House thing going for him. However, I'd seriously wonder if he has the chops to continue with the hard slog of a comics life. Plus I wouldn't be surprised if that show was actually a bringer; mostly made up of his own friends and family. Ha! I bet it was - sure its easy to get a laugh then!" Walshed joshed "now if only his timing was as dead on with pulling the troops out of Iraq, sure we'd all be laughing!".