Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Another startling supposition!
Fiona Walsh, temp and next president of the United States, has said she believes she knows who could play Keith Richard in a movie. "It just occurred to me at the weekend after watching "Celebrity Fit Club"... wait for it.... Jeff Conaway! He's the spitting image of him I think and he's already got the drug and drink history - so he's have the emotional wherewithall to play Richard. He's still a bit fit looking and he'd have to slim down and eat cigarettes for a few weeks but I think he could do it". Walsh, noted for her predictions on who could play who in movies, is said to be "elated" at her most recent revelation to herself. "I'm thrilled that I've come up with another one - the last being Nicholas Cage to play Gene Wilder in Willy Wonka. However that role went to Johnny Depp, which I think was a mistake but who am I to judge? At the end of the day I'm basically amusing myself with these casting predictions".