
Thursday, September 25, 2003

"Walsh Miffed at Diss!"
Gubernatorial candidate and still a temp, said she is "miffed" at not being invited to take part in the debate last night. "I'm really upset. No-one called, no-one emailed me. I was expecting to be in on that debate. I have things to say and I'd certainly have loved a chance to insult Arnie" Walsh insisted. The debate featured Arianna Huffington, Lt. Gov. Bustamante and "The Ass from Austria" Arnold Schwarzenegger. The toasty temp went on to say that she was active on the debate team in school. "Oh! I was called on for every debate and public speaking competition there was. I remember one particular one, where I debated that "School Days are the Best days of your life" - Lord, was an eejit to defend that statement. It's clearly not the case. And if I was to go back and do it again, I'd certainly say the halcyon days of youth are no picnic". We tried to draw her back into the current discussion regarding last nights California debate but Walsh was adrift in a sea of school day memories.

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